Birthing courses

Learn about the magic of birth and eliminate the fear, tension, pain cycle using deep relaxation, guided imagery, visualisation and special breathing techniques.

My courses emphasise the importance of eliminating the fear, tension, pain cycle using deep relaxation, guided imagery, visualisation and special breathing techniques. I teach Hypnobirthing in a down to earth, easily accessible way. Nobody gets hypnotised! Honestly!

What is Hypnobirthing?

With a Hypnobirthing course you will learn how to use your body’s own natural instinct for birthing to achieve a positive and empowering birth. This tried and tested technique helps you to avoid fear and tension in labour. Through self hypnosis to induce deep relaxation, you will learn how to remain calm but in control throughout a natural and often shorter labour. Hypnobirthing is a gentle start in the world to your baby as you learn pre and post-natal bonding techniques. Your partner will be an active part of your birth preparation, during the labour they will be an essential part of the process.

In the Western world we are conditioned to approach childbirth with fear; we see many examples in films and hear many stories of women screaming in agony for hours. We also hear stories about births that became out of control and ended up with highly medicalised procedures, leaving women feeling upset and let down.


Hypnobirthing teaches women easy techniques to achieve deep relaxation, they learn how important certain hormones are in labour and how to get them working efficiently.  Women can feel empowered by their ability at the birth, 2nd and 3rd time mums often call it a “healing experience”.


The course also teaches partners their really important role. They become confident in their knowledge and learn a toolkit to support the mothers in labour. Both partners attend the classes if possible and the birthing partner is a valuable and integral part of the whole programme.

“We both found Hypnobirthing with you invaluable. I was much more prepared as a result and was more able to deal with the hospital and make sure that we got the room and the water birth we wanted.” Chris, a Hypnodad!


Come to this Hands On interactive workshop and learn some great Top Tips for an easier, more positive birth. Topics include:-

– Best Positions for Labour
– Rebozo technique for pain relief
– Amazing Breathing to carry you through your labour
– Biomechanics for Birth – how to get baby into an optimal position for birthing so it minimises stress and difficulty
– Special Oxytocin and Endorphin massages

3 hour workshop with these freebies:-
– Refreshments
– Relaxation mp3
– Aromatherapy spray bottle for relaxation in labour
– Aromatherapy massage oil for labour
– Arnica for healing after birth
– Comprehensive information handout

Numbers limited so please dm or email to request a space. £25 – single. £40 – couple.

These workshops are either held in East London or in North Norfolk.

When they are in Norfolk they are held in the lovely village of Trunch, a mile from the beautiful Norfolk beaches. Make a weekend of it and explore the amazing countryside and interesting coastal towns. Stay in a sea view apartment in Mundesley or in a glamping site (shepherds hut or yurt) in Trunch village. Mates rates available! 2nd and 3rd timers, bring some babysitting grandparents! Loads of activities for children in the area.

Click here for Course Content

Click here for Course Details

Hypnobirthing with Jo stories

Please check out the two videos below for some inspiring examples of personal experiences with Hypnobirthing.