
ThibaultRobertFosterThis is the fabulous story of Raffaelle, Tom, Henri and Thibault. Note the lovely part where toddler Henri (a previous hypnobaby!) helps Raf with hypnobirthing. How sublime!

“It is Tuesday 14th October and I am 8 days overdue. I have been taking Caulophyllum for 1 day and yesterday had an induction with Vera Wong, acupuncturist at The Healthworks. In the evening I go to the Hypnomums club where Jo reads the Hurry Up Baby script for a few of us.

I feel the first contraction at 1.30am on Wednesday 15th October. I am fast asleep and carry on sleeping until 2.30am. The contractions feel quite regular so I start writing them down. I wake Tom, my husband, to tell him the good news. I call Homerton hospital and the midwife tells me to come in when the contractions are once every 5 minutes. Tom calls his parents to come and look after our 2,5 years old son Henri.

At 5.30am the contractions are once every 5 minutes, each lasting about a minute. Tom calls the midwife and they say to wait for 3 contractions every 10 minutes.

At 6am our son wakes up. I go into his room and tell him I am having contractions and make him listen to the hypnobirthing music on my ear phones. I tell him I am going to make noises but that it is all very normal. By the end of the day, he will have a brother or sister. Henri is excited saying “wow”. I sit down in the kitchen, lower the lights and get into the zone. The contractions are getting stronger but I am coping very well. To my surprise, Henri comes and sits on my lap and starts stroking my hair helping me with each contraction.

Tom and I leave the house at 7.08am. There is quite a bit of traffic on the way to the hospital and the contractions are getting closer and more intense. I use the Waterfall affirmations Jo Redmond uses in the class to stay calm. Speaking to the baby out loud and counting down “3 2 1 relax” . Stroking my belly during the contractions really helps. We arrive at the hospital and park at 7.30.

I have about 3 contractions between the car and the maternity suite. We stop walking for each one and concentrate on breathing.

Once at the reception I am asked if I am sure I am in labour and to provide a sample of urine. We are then taken to a small office and left alone. It is then and there that transition suddenly happens. I felt a massive feeling of pulling downwards and I can feel with my hands the baby’s head crowning. I am leaning on an office chair holding on to both arm rests. Seconds later, the baby’s head comes out and my waters break. My husband calls for help and three surprised midwifes come rushing. They remind me to keep breathing and prepare me for the next contraction. I let go and birth our baby out. Tom tells me it is a boy.

The midwifes hand me my baby and sit me down. He latches on straight away. We wait for the cord to stop pulsating before Tom cuts it.

And this is how Thibault Robert Foster was born at 7.50am. I am yet to take my coat or shoes off!

I cannot thank Jo Redmond enough for giving me the tools and confidence to have two amazing Hypnobirthing experiences.”