
June and Jens’ great story.  A really great example of an induction and how brilliant hypnobirthing is. June managed it all so well and only with a bit of gas and air and the Hypno breathing of course.

“Hi Jo and Hypnomums,Jens

Just wanted to share my happy news.

Baby boy – Jens – arrived on Monday 6th. A few days early.  It wasn’t entirely the natural, hypnobirth I’d hoped for, but I know I would have had a much worse experience if I hadn’t had the confidence and techniques that Jo taught me.

My waters went very early on Sunday morning. A trip to triage later and we were back home with the deadline of an induction at 6am Monday morning unless labour started naturally. I did start having surges around midday and when I got to one every 4 minutes we tootled back to Whipps. Triage sent me up to Lilac ward to be assessed and I was 2cm dilated. Sadly this meant a night on the ante-natal ward. But Jo, Marie Mongan and a lot of yoga techniques kept me labouring calmly through the night.
By morning I was still only 3cm dilated despite 2 membrane sweeps (lots of surge breathing there) so I was moved to the labour ward in the afternoon.  They started the syntocinon drip at about 3pm. I opted for no epidural even though I was strongly advised to have one. Within an hour I was having massive surges and thanks to some really excellent support from the midwives by 4:30pm I’d started pushing. The midwives couldn’t believe I’d started to push, but I just did what my body needed to. I won’t lie and say it wasn’t painful, but I found it totally manageable with just gas and air. Jens arrived at 5pm on the dot.
I have to plug the midwives at Whipps. We met a fair few and they were all excellent and really supportive. A couple that we’d seen on Sunday came to the delivery room afterwards to meet Jens when they heard he’d arrived. They were all really impressed with how calm and focused I was, and particularly that I got through the induction with just breathing and gas & air.”