Positive Caesarean

louisAnother wonderful story to add to the collection. Zula and Ben’s story is truly inspiring for anyone needing a Caesarian. Big congratulations and look at this gorgeous serene young chap!

“We started doing hypnobirthing with Jo back in May and were all geared up for a natural birth, however our baby stayed breech despite all our efforts to encourage him to turn so we were booked in for an elective c-section on 7th Oct. Although it wasn’t the birth we had planned for, we were feeling excited and positive about it and I am sure spending so much time in a hypnobirthing environment helped with that.

On the day of the birth we picked up a really encouraging voicemail from Jo just before we went into theatre (thanks, Jo!). The medical team were fantastic and we were able to listen to our hypnobirthing playlist during the birth. Focussing on the music really helped keep me calm while they anaesthetised me and started the op, as did my wonderful husband Ben who counted down with me to keep me calm. Our gorgeous little boy Louis came out during my favourite moment of my favourite track on the Comfort Zone playlist (which always made me strangely teary when I was pregnant!) probably just coincidence but it felt really beautiful. The midwife was fantastic and insisted to the medical team that we do skin to skin & start feeding straight away.

So, here he is! Louis Phoenix Haigh Shepherd. We’re having a wonderful time getting to know each other and are still listen to the Comfort Zone music if we need a bit of help calming down!

Massive thank you to Jo, supporting all the hypnomums of Walthamstow and going above and beyond in the time and encouragement you give us. I am so pleased we joined the gang and hope to see you all soon. Xx”