
louHere is Beth’s story. She did amazingly well considering she had what sounds like a posterior positioned baby.

“Thanks for all the hypno love you sent me on Facebook, it really did win through for us! Thanks to Natalie and Adam for the counting down tip x x x

Hi Jo, Wowsers and thank you so much 🙂 what a couple of days! Im still in whipps and wanted to let you know we have a beautiful baby girl Jemima born on Tuesday.

it turned out my contractions were all agonisingly low down in the back/abdomen. I never felt them in my tummy as I was expecting to do so before going to hospital! Hence I wasn’t in pre labour at home as long as I thought. On arrival to Whipps I was 4cm dilated and my ‘low risk’ turned to high as I had a temperature, high pulse rate and kitons in my urine. I think part of that was to do with being in the bath all day on and off as it was so relieving of the pain in my back! This meant I was down in the labour ward not in the lilac suite from the off and was being constantly monitored.

Because of the pain in my back and monitoring I couldn’t sit on the ball or stand well etc so all the positions I had practiced were not possible and I was more or less limited to a bed. We made the most of the more medicalised setting and it was total hypnobirth with scripts on in the background.

At one time or another we had lots of staff in the room and all absolutely amazed by how calm I was (one said she had never seen anyone so calm!) Chris said I literally didnt make a noise. After 16 hours with just some gas and air I did get to 10cm. My positioning did slow it all down but it was all manageable.

Chris and my mum were amazing and the midwifes all commented on Chris’s wonderful hypnobirthing approach. The scripts and gas and air defo got me through. Jemima was in the end suctioned out as her heart rate dipped and I was so exhausted.The staff were absolutely amazing and thanks to massage I had one tiny stich!!

Anyway, fill you in fully soon, but Jo honestly thanks so so much for everything you have done, you really should be crowned the baby queen of the Stow!!

PS, baby absolutely has responded to the Waterfall Relaxation script since being born and it has helped me calm her down for breast feeding! X

Send love to everyone and THANK YOU so much 🙂 x x x”