
This is Katie and Brendon’s story.  How to have a whopper with only hypnobirthing. What a star!

“Hi hypnomums,Corrin

I just wanted to introduce you to my gorgeous hypnobaby Corrin who was born on Sunday afternoon weighing in at a massive 9lbs 6oz. The fact that he was such a whopper came as a shock to everyone, including all the midwives. I am certain I would not have managed to get him out if it wasn’t for the strength and utter belief that I had in myself, my body and in the baby that I learned at hypnobirthing.

My surges started at half past midnight and I went down to the Barkentine birth centre after a couple of hours as they quickly started coming 3 minutes apart. I hadn’t dilated much but it was reassuring to know that they would let me stay and rest and gently labour there rather than send me home. He was eventually born at 1.30pm after 2 hours of pushing that I wasn’t too aware of as I was just focusing on my breathing. I didn’t have any pain relief apart from a bit of gas and air whilst contracting and I’m super proud of that and again put that down to the mental strength gained through hypnobirthing. As a result he’s a really happy, alert and placid baby.

Life is so wonderful now with Corrin in it and he was worth every surge and every uncomfortable late pregnancy night. Thank you Jo for everything xxx”